Sunday, February 12, 2006

Some new HISTOIRES from other lives.

I used to come here when I was just a child. And I played here and there, going from this side to the other as a happy bunny, exploring the world, jumping enthusiastically. And my friend Robert was there, dressed with short trousers, ready to go to Sunday mass with Bishop Curberthson. Bishop always came after service to have minced pies and tea, while we played next to the lake.

So, he left and went who knows where, and left me without friends, games or sage. Since then I don’t play, I just write and read under my favourite tree, my beautiful oak that covers me with its old and rusty and wrinkled arm leafs. My happiness went by, and my contentious eagerness disappeared in a period of no more than three weeks.

My winter collapsed when my father left. It was just aunty Mary, mom and grandpa. What a scrumptious combination leaving me here with all those! He has the fault. Those teas and smiles just disappeared, suddenly. A non-paradise place became my house. Then is when I decided to disappear and look for Robert. For he understood me, he was just more than my friend.

I wish Spring would come now, so I could play with those nymphs that covered my jiggles and tickles. There is nothing more I could ask.